Lidded Basket
Lidded basket, possibly Northern Athabaskan but more likely Alaskan Eskimo due to size and lid.
One-rod coiled, non-interlocking, closed stitches; probable willow rod warp with conifer root splint weft. Chrvron designs in dyed red and blue or green, faded on exterior but more visible on interior. Single feather decoration on opposite sides of rim, appear to be placed in holes where handles previously existed- as small bits of leather are still present, so feathers probably not part of original design. Lid has knotted handle and triangular design pattern.
- Object: Lidded Basket
- Artist: -
- Circa: -
- Dimensions: 10" W X 9" H including lid
- Culture Area: Arctic
- Cultural Group: Unspecified
- Cultural Context: -
- Donor: Paul Vetrano
- Catalog #: 119.068