Miniature Coiled Jar
Miniature Panamint coiled basket. Finely woven, with a pattern of four whirling logs even spaced around the circumference of the basket, with a plant or corn stalk pattern in between each whirling log. The pattern is closed in with a stripe directly above and below it. Another stripe is located at the bottom of the basket, marking where it starts to be weaved upwards instead of outwards. The design is done with a darker brown plant material than the rest of the light brown basket.
- Object: Miniature Coiled Jar
- Artist: -
- Circa: -
- Dimensions: 3.5" L x 3" W x 2.75" H
- Culture Area: California
- Cultural Group: Panamint
- Cultural Context: -
- Donor: Ralph & Lois Stone
- Catalog #: 119.041