Tea Pot
Chinese tea pot, intricately carved from bamboo with the character for "TEA" on it. (This information was obtained from Weiwei Zhang, former museum student employee.) The tea pot is beautifully carved with refined details and textures. The tea character is carved into the side of the tea pot that is less concave than the opposite, and the handle is curving away from it. Thus the tea pot is somewhat asymmetrical, with the cylindrical body of it curving to one side of the pot. There is a removable bamboo lid piece that fits in the air hole up top, and the spout of the tea pot is finely carved. A rope is carved into the tea pot as a finishing detail that looks rather realistic.
- Object: Tea Pot
- Artist: -
- Circa: -
- Dimensions: 4" D x 6.5" L x 2.5" W x 10" H
- Culture Area: Asia
- Cultural Group: China
- Cultural Context: A moneybag is a symbolic object used in feng shui to attract prosperity. See Reference for more information.
- Donor: Cindy Avenell
- Catalog #: 119.035