Miniature Basket

Miniature Basket

Miniature basket with lid, coiled, grass bundle, warp, cattail or willow, weft - willow, designs - devils claw, designs pattern is single line open fret and repetitue, base of basket has 1 coiled row in devils claw on outside edges. Rim finish is in devils claw. Basket lid has dark circle and handle (devils claw) in center of lid. Another empty circle is two rows from center circle, all designs are on interior and exterior, there are some darker stitches on lid rim.
  • Object: Miniature Basket
  • Artist: unknown
  • Circa: -
  • Dimensions: 1 5/8" x 1 3/4"
  • Culture Area: Southwest
  • Cultural Group: Akimel O'odham / Pima
  • Cultural Context: -
  • Donor: Betty Wells
  • Catalog #: 97.224