Breaking Traditions, Saving Traditions:
Elsie Allen and the Legacy of Pomo Basketry
Exhibit Dates: Friday, March 3rd, 2023 – Friday, December 22nd, 2023*
*Now a permanent exhibit
For Women’s History Month, The SRJC Multicultural Museum will feature a unique and rare collection of local baskets. The Elsie Allen Pomo Basket Collection consists of over 130 masterfully woven baskets, ranging from the size of a pencil eraser to nearly 40 inches across, and spanning in date from the late 1800s to the 1980s. This is the only known collection of its size to have been created and curated entirely by Native American weavers, and it is truly unique in that there is so much ethnographic information on nearly every basket in the collection. This remarkable collection of baskets and accompanying material will have resided at Santa Rosa Junior College for 20 years in 2023, yet it has never been exhibited in its entirety since arriving here. For the collection’s 20th Anniversary at Santa Rosa Junior College, all the baskets will be on display, filling the museum, along with photographs, previously unseen videos, and stories of the weavers themselves. The SRJC community will also be treated to guest speakers and numerous opportunities to learn more about the cultural importance of this collection, born of the determination of Elsie Allen and her mother, Annie Burke to keep the legacy of Pomo Basketry alive. Exhibit funded by the SRJC Foundation